Me and my big baby... I stole this pic off Jason and Shanna's blog...thanks Shan... I have been putting up so many pictures of our little baby so hear is a pic of me and my big baby. He has been snuggly lately, not sure why, but I am really enjoying it.
THREE TEETH IN THREE DAYSOn Thursday I noticed that Jonathan was cutting one of his bottom teeth. Yesterday I noticed the other bottom tooth coming and now today I see one of the top ones! We didn't think he'd be teething for a while, he's only four months and especially being born early. Ben didn't get his first tooth until six months. So far our boys are turning out to be very different.
Sweaters From Scotland One of my Nan's cousins in Scotland knit these sweaters for Jonathan...they are beautiful.
Jonathan.....loving this toy.
Attack! The other day Ben saw Matt watching UFC and wanted to play "ATTACK" too. Worried he would play no matter what we said, we decided to let Ben play but only with Matt. They have such a great time and Matt definately gets tired way before Ben. Hopefully with this outlet for his energy he won't be "attacking" anyone else.
Breakfast Out with Old Friends Shane and Leila (Leila and I lived together during university) were up to Calgary for a wedding last weekend. We were able to have breakfast together on Sunday. Left to right, Hayden, Leila, Shanna, Sarah, Ben and me. There wasn't a table big enough for all of us so here is the rest of the crew. Matt, Jonathan (in carseat), Jason and Shane. It was great to get to see them and meet their little one for the first time.