Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My favourites, so far.

Last week I purchased a new camera, a DSLR. I promised myself I would not rely ono the auto settings, so I have been practicing a lot. So far the kids aren't sick of me taking their photo, and I'm excited about some of the great pics I've gotten already.

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Cutie Patootie
I've been having trouble posting pics lately. Thought I would just try one and hopefully if it works I can add more.
Here is Mya, now 7 months. She is weighing in just over 13lbs and is 26 inches long. She is starting to learn to sit up and is really starting to show her personality (we are preparing for some drama). I couldn't feel more blessed than when I think about what a perfect fit she is for our family.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010


Mya was 6 months old in June and started on solid foods. We started out with rice cereal and it did NOT go well. After tricking her into opening her mouth a few times, she promptly shut her mouth and looked the other way. No matter what we tried, she refused to even engage with us if we were trying to feed her. This went on for close to 2 weeks, every morning and was becoming very frustrating.
We decided that getting her to eat was more important than what she ate and so I cooked up the three foods in the top pic, hoping one would peak her interest. We tried the mango first, and SHE LOVED IT! After a few days, she was a whole new baby. Now when she sees you getting the food ready, she literally shakes with excitement. She still won't eat the rice cereal, but will tolerate the oat if there's some good fruit to go with it. This week we even tried the squash and she gobbled it up. Tomorrow I will back in the kitchen to add sweet potato, avocado and peaches to the menu. Mmmmmm!

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