Sunday, September 25, 2005

Sarah, Shanna and Jason at Ben's dedication brunch. Posted by Picasa


Erin Rebecca said...

Yay. Wish we could have been there. Somehow I don't think Josiah got dedicated? Hudson hasn't either. SOme day, remind us:) Anyway. We will remind you to teach him. They really do love to learn about these things early, well at least emma does. SHe has memorized about 30 verses. And she can say them all in a row. And gets mad if you leave before they are all done. Sometimes I say not now Emma. Bad teaching mom:) Love you guys. hey matt I think you guys could do that climb. You should....

Shepherd Snapshots said...

Hey Kayleah! Erin told me a way to avoid these stupid ad comments. Log in and then go to comments and select word verification. That ways, you can't get these anymore.

I stayed up until 1am last night on a packing roll. That was nice, it helps me feel more like I'm almost finished. We'll see you Wednesday night.