Sunday, January 31, 2010


Lately, Jonny really likes to mimic real life. Pretending to anything that Daddy or Mommy do is always a hit. Making food, cleaning, driving or putting on makeup are great but lately it is all about caring for "his baby sister" (Curious George). Its amazing to me how detailed he is, bundling the baby just like we do and using the nursing pillow when feeding her. Luckily we have some extra supplies for Jonny's baby. The other day he told me he had put his baby for a nap, about 1/2 hour later, in the middle of our play dough, he pipes up "my baby is crying" and runs off to get her. He returned shortly to tell me he had put her back to sleep. Its been a great way to involve him in Mya and help him adjust, and its just sooooo cute.
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