Friday, September 02, 2011

More of PEI!

We had 2 weeks in PEI which was great as it allowed for lots of days to relax and also lots of day to go do some touristy things!
Here are some of the places we visited.

I had to start with the COWS Factory as it was the place we went the most. The first time we took the tour and after that just came back for the ice cream. To go on the tour you have to wear the hat. Besides ice cream, they also make t-shirts. When Ben saw the guys making them he exclaime, "I've changed my mind, I want to work here!".

One of the most amazing things about PEI is the Confederation Trail which goes all over the island. The cottage we stayed at had 2 bikes, which Matt and I used on the trail together (I spent most of the time laughing as both the bikes were meant for someone 5'3 - 5'6, Matt looked hilarious). Matt and the boys rented bikes one day and had a great time pedaling along the ocean, they went over 10km! Jonny had the most fun, you can see why.

Lots of afternoons while Mya napped, Matt would take off with the boys and do some exploring. Their favourite thing to find were lighthouses and there are lots. The yucky weather didn't deter their fun at all.

On our last day in PEI we saw an open fire house. Jonny loves firemen, fire engines and anything to do with it. The fire chief was so nice, he took Jonny all through the fire house and even gave him this hat. He let Jonny pick any fire truck and sit in it. This is the first thing Jonny will tell you about our trip to PEI.

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1 comment:

Laura Jean said...

Great photos - I loved PEI - would love to go back. Cool photo of the boys on that the ship broken into 3 sections. Did you pass through Summerside? They have the College of Piping there. They had summer concerts when I took my mom - best concert - they ended the concert with the piping of Amazing Grace (shred a tear or two when that played). Thanks for sharing.